Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Your first impressions of the 3.6s sound just like my first and last impression. I'm a bass player (1977 Fender Jazz Bass) and I have never heard a speaker or speaker/sub combo that gave me such a "real" and uncolored bass sound while maintaining the precise mids and highs.

You say the sound is in front of the speakers. I have my 3.6s about 3 feet from the back wall faced straight forward without toe-in and I hear the sound either at or behind the speakers.

Great deal for that price. I got mine for $1200, but was lucky to have an Audiogon seller only 90 miles away so no shipping. It still amazes me that I spent less on my speakers than any other component in my setup.

I look forward to more impressions over the next days!

Thanks! for the follow-up oblgny

good to learn that the speakers arrived safe & sound. Now, enjoy the music!

Happy Listening!

$1200 seems to be the price around where the 3.6's hover - and usually in lesser condition than the ones I just got.  That figure was pretty much my budget, or at least what I was willing to spend. When these came up I simply said "what the hell, stop waiting around  for the perfect storm" and pay the $&?!:@ shipping!

It's comforting to know that my ears are somewhat in tune with a musician's, especially when my ability to play an instrument has been at best a futile pursuit. I could lose my left arm and not miss it. 

That being said, I have fancied myself something of an artist for all of my life, yet another pursuit that has found me earning a living doing something else. When my girlfriend hears music she dances, when I hear music I think. She starts singing along, I listen to the interaction between players, wondering where the tune is heading, often amazed at the difference between where I'd be going and where they went. Good stuff. 

My first pair of Thiels were the 2.2's, and I was spoiled henceforth since then. I started buying here in 2013 and, goodness gracious, haven't been a sane person since. I discovered Thiel here, Pass Labs..the list is still growing.  With each addition and the subsequent subtractions I've appreciated more and more the difficulty in manufacturing a vision. I don't know a mosfet from a misfit, but I know what I like. 

I've gotta shut this off now - early morning busy day tomorrow...