INTERNAL CABLING- Heres some choices, give me your two cents on these cables..... Please _

So here is what I'm working on.
The cabling in my Mirage M1's is 12 gauge zip cord, that has oxidized and turned green at the terminations. Problem is I don't have a huge amount of cash to spend on new cabling, as I've spent most my money on replacing the existing caps in the crossover, with Jantzen superior and Standard Z caps (theres like 20 caps in each crossover).  I need close to 50 feet for the two speakers and I only have 75-120 to spend on the cabling, this is a shoe string situation. I can't stand the idea of leaving the green cables in there.-

So here is what I have considered, Please let me know your thoughts on each of these-

1. Jantzen = Constructed of 2 conductors, 1 x red and 1 x black, AWG 17.

The Copper is oxygen free 99.9999% pure, solid core. Both conductors are individually polyethylene coated and padded out with stranded isolating fibres the wrapped in polyester tape and further encased in blue termoplastic casing.

My concern with the Jantzen is the size, its only 17 awg, My experience has been the Mirages are power hungry speakers and like big cables. I have big Tara Lab temporal continuum cables running them. Even the zip cord in side them is 12 awg, going 17 AWG makes me nervous. Any comments on this is appreciated.

2. Audioquest type 2, type 4, or G2, X2, Q2

Not sure if any of these are worth their cost. Wondering how much better the type 4 is than the type 2 or how much better the type 2 is over the G2, X2 or Q2.

3. Belden 9497- Dont know much about this cable, I have heard other people have had good results but not sure seems like the size isnt all that I would like.

4. Canare 4s11, again dont know much about these cables but I've heard a lot of good things about them for their price.

5. Ive looked at the Duelund, but they appear to be only sold in single strands, and the cost for the amount required.

6. Curious about Vandenhul  (VDH) cables, I am interested in the Snowline and the Skyline, However I haven't been able to find anything on these cables.

What I want to know is

1.  Has anyone had experience with these cables, whats your thoughts on them being used as internal cabling for a pair of Mirage M1's?

2. Is 17 Awg on the Jantzen cables big enough to effectively drive the 8 inch bass drivers on the M1's?

3. Has anyone used the the Vandenhul  cables that use carbon, whats your thoughts on their overall presentation, are they neutral, detailed, dull, bright, etc?

4. Is all the hype about using solid conductors over stranded true-?

As always thanks to all who give their two cents-

My system overall, 

Proceed Amp3 (eventually I will bi amp with a second one)

Proceed AVP-S

Mirage M1

Tara Labs temporal continuum Speaker cables

Audioquest Diamond interconnects

Musical Fidelity Vdac w/ J-RIVER (coming soon)

12meters for $120 is a lot of wire? I thought that was your budget? 

Anyway,  understand if not in your budget. I typically never liked the sound of stranded wire always preferring solid core in the past. Tinned wire was also a big turn off for me in the past, but this new Duelund wire is  an outlier. I started down this whole road after using the very good Western Electric stranded and tinned wire from the 60s and 70s.  It bettered my $1200 speaker cables and the Duelund bettered the WE16 ga. Fun stuff. I use the Duelund wire inside my speakers, crossovers, low voltage hook up wire in gear, speaker cables and ICs. 
Nice cap choices BTW. Did you use Mills MRA resistors? They are great sounding and $4 each. Much better sounding then sand cast resistors found in so many high end speakers. 
Maybe I miss calculated the cost, I understand 12 meters is 120, but that's only one lead isn't it? So for two leads that cost would double to 240. I'm basing this the following link that shows the duelund is a single wire rather than a pair. Does duelund make one that is a pair of wires for the 10 per meter

I haven't replaced the resistors, I was going to with a mundordf that was recommended by Tony Gee at humble hifi. He spent a lot of time with me helping me decide what caps to use. I have an order I'm placing with him for the caps, I hadn't placed the order yet because I'm trying to figure out the internal cabling before I place the order, so I can include it in the order assuming he has the cable I decide on. He recommended the jantzen but I was concerned it was rather small only being 17awg. Long story short, I may wait on the resistors as I'm already over extended.
Assuming the duelund is out of my budget, I'm looking at the belden, just need to decide which one, the 5000 or the 9497. I'm wondering if one has the advantage over the other relating to air and detail.
I was looking at the supra stuff as well but it seems the 3.4 is the one to get and it's like 4 bucks a ft which puts it out of the budget.