Tube Home Theater PreAmp?

What choices do we have for a tube preamp with DD and DTS home theater preamp? I want the best of both worlds for Home theater and 2 channel stereo vinyl. I know that Cary Audio has a new home theater preamp but I beleive thats all solid state. ANy recomendations?
Help is greatly appreciated.
I agree with Sugarbrie and that is what I have done quite successfully. Why compromise if you don't have to?
Flrnlamb: "My experience with the likes of the Fosgate, is compromised overall extremes. Also, no DD/DTS processing. This is a dynamic compromise to say the least, as you must process DD/DTS from your dvd player! This is not ideal, at all!!!"

Not ideal at all? Why so? Do you believe the DACs in DVD players are inferior to those available in popularly priced pre/pros? I'm using a 6-channel, all-and-nothing-but-analog preamp in my multichannel-audio/video system (see my system) and am VERY pleased. My discplayer, a Denon 2900, sounds so good and works so well, I just bought another one to use while I get my original fixed*.

The only way to get full resolution from SACDs and DVD-As is thru the player's analog, 6-channel outputs, so one is stuck with the player's DAC. And for DVD-Vs with their already-lower-resolution-audio, why bother to use an outboard DAC or one in a pre/pro when one already has a perfectly fine one in the player? (Obviously, some of us have more than one multichannel digital source, some of which do not have DACS, so a separate one is REQUIRED, but no one has indicated that requirement exists.)

I love the sound of my all-analog-after-the-player, lots-of-vacuum-tubes multichannel system, but of course it could be better, and I trust conrad-johnson so much, I just ordered a 6-channel MET1 that is indeed all vacuumtubed**. But my improved 6-channel Audio Refinements Pre 5 sounds VERY good. A GEA friend and I just compared it in my system to a newest-version H-CAT 2-channel preamp that has about 500 hours on it. Both of us thought the H-CAT was slightly better in soundstaging but that the AR was slightly richer in the lower-midrange and had more-attractive (meaning, in this case, slightly 'softer') treble. I was thrilled!

Have you heard the Fosgate, Audio Research, or any ohter high-end 6-channel preamp?

* Its audio and video outputs 'stutter'.
** All Voltage gain is done by one stage, a 6C4/M8080/EC90 single-triode tube (times 6); the output stage uses solidstate buffers to lower its output impedance.
For the record, Sugarbies answer is probably your best solution! I've used that many times, it's the best solution for 2 channel and HT, with no compromises that way, yes.

Jeffreybehr, in response to your questions, it's not just a matter of whether or not the DAC's in these DVD players that process DD/DTS are as good as the one's in the "pre/pro's, but rather a combination of factors! Believe me, I've tried it many many many times the way you're doing it, and IT DOESN'T WORK FOR dd/dTS even remotely as well sonically!!!! If it did, I'd SURELY dump the pre/pro and just go dirrect multi-channel connection from the DVD player to my amp or multi-channel analog preamp!!!
Really, yes, I think most of the processors in the players fall far short of what's being used in the separates pre/pro's. But also, the analog output and buffering stage of the DVD player isn't up to snuff, and doesn't give enough gain to really offer the DYNAMICS needed/intended from the DD/DTS!
I already know how your system sounds for DD/DTS movie material this's shy on dynamics, impact, and 3 dimmensionality, even ultimate detail. The big difference however, is DYNAMICS!...or in your case, lack-there-of.
That's just how it is. If you think not, just pick up a used Acurus ACT 3, and switch it out for your existing setup for movies....not even close!!!!
Only way to "have both" is to "have both" - HT processor and a tube preamp with an HT bypass or "unity gain" - don't chase this down a rabbit hole - HT processors are computers and 2 channel tube preamps are "analog" machines - there are many combinations which will give you the best of each format (otherwise one will ultimately hurt the other IMO). Hard to recommend without more info on your system and tastes. YMMV as always.
As far as I know DVD Players do not decode the DTS audio track but do DD just fine. I ran digital out to the HT processor for years, then fooling around w/ the audio outs of my DVD player I discovered how MUCH smoother, so much LESS harshness, less edge AND I get ALL the dynamics from the DD track (because I'm running all 5.1 channels - no downmixing of the channels). This was a fundemental change and I do not see ever going back to digital out to a processor.

Sorry for resurrecting this thread.