Best processor that is excellent for 2 Ch music

Or I should say, best surround preamp that has excellent 2 ch music capability. Basically I am 90% music / 10% HT, and I want to have a surround processor that is excellent for music listening (so as long as the processor has a 5.1 output I am fine, don't need too much features there).

What should I looked at if I want to spend <$1500? Would prefer a silver finish and gently used on A'gon is fine. What do you think? I heard about the Proceed AVP that should be great for 2 channel, another other recommendations?

take a look at the arcam avr300 -- does a lot well for a receiver, costs about 2k new, less than 1500 used. Has excellent video processing and more than holds its own in two channel.
Enlightened Audio Design (EAD) made some of the best sounding 5.1 processors. When used as a 2-channel audio preamp, the results were more than satisfactory. These units sound so good in both 5.1 and 2-channel; that many people who own these units find that CD playback sounds better when using their CD player’s digital out and use the internal DAC in their EAD processor for their 2-channel playback. Back in the day when I used a Cal Audio Alpha tubed DAC, I can confirm this.

The models that I’m referring to are the Encore, Ovation, Ovation Plus and Signature models. All were available in Silver or Black. Current prices range between $800 and $2000. I'm guessing that original list for these units were between $3.5K and $8K. Build quality was excellent. EAD offered an aftermarket upgrade to these units adding an analog pass through along with other improvements. From what I’ve hear from owner who had this done, most were not happy with the sonic results. I’d stay away from these units.

I personally own a TheaterMaster Classic which was EAD’s soul processor prior to the above mentioned product line. My dedicated 2-channel pre is a Jeff Rowland with separate power supply. When comparing the two units, the results are too close.
Anthem AVM-20 or 30 is excellent. I spent ages studying the issue of 2 channel and multi-channel from a single device and ended upselecting the AVM-20. It is one of THE most flexible DSP pre-amps out there and includes balanced outputs (critical for me). Be prepared to spend some time learning the features is so highly configurable can get lost in the menus.

The feature I really like is the base management capabilities can still run your sub when playing 2 channel music EVEN from an analog source by passing the signal through AVM-20 high quality DAC's. You can also control a separate fact you have so many options that it is probably best to read the manual at this link.

You can completely program/control the volume limits and input levels on all paths (no chance of the kids or wife blowing your precious speakers here as volume is set at what you desire on power up, and, you can even set your own limits to how far it can be cranked)

Finally. the front panel buttons are very intuitive and quick to use, so you can get exactly what you need at the push of a single button. there are no frustrating drill down menus or need to push a button several times to step through to what you want....just hit one button and go!

This one touch ease of use, however, is only after what is admittedly a very laborious setup, which uses extensive drill down menus to give you unbridled flexibility/control on signal paths and processing.