Best processor that is excellent for 2 Ch music

Or I should say, best surround preamp that has excellent 2 ch music capability. Basically I am 90% music / 10% HT, and I want to have a surround processor that is excellent for music listening (so as long as the processor has a 5.1 output I am fine, don't need too much features there).

What should I looked at if I want to spend <$1500? Would prefer a silver finish and gently used on A'gon is fine. What do you think? I heard about the Proceed AVP that should be great for 2 channel, another other recommendations?

A bit more money but Chord 8000R is an awesome Pre'Pro. Very hard to find used because anyone who has it doesn't want to give it up. Good luck.
I own an Aragon Soundstage and find it to be excellent on 2 channel, as well as on movies. The preamp section is based on Aragon's highly regarded Aurum preamp - sadly, neither unit is still made. There are other excellent processors mentioned here - I just wanted to give you another option to look at.
I like the Audio Refinement Pre-2DSP.
Minnimalistic processor.
Remote is terrible, but htat can be replaced easy enough.
I just finished my search for a good 2 Channel processor. I owned the following: Lexicon CP-2. CP-3. DC-1 and DC-2; Cary P-7; and the Proceed AVP and AVP-2 Plus 6. The Proceed AVP, which is in your budget range, would be my preferred pre-pro. Imaging, soundstaging, and detail are excellent (and even better with the AVP-2). It is the most neutral of the three brands. IMO, Lexicon is clearly the worst among the three. Although detail is quite good with Lexicon products, I felt they drew too much attention in 2 channel mode to the L-R speakers instead of placing the sound between the speakers when the recording requires it. They are also quite bright when compared to the Cary and Proceeds. The Cary, as is their reputation, is smooth and relaxed, leaning towards the "dark" (as opposed to bright) side of the listening spectrum.