Rekon, I think you just anwered your own question! I simply think it's a much much better deal to go with quality digital pre, and quality 2 channel preamp, looped together. Whould I spend $6k on a tube multi-channel pre? The reality is that the Cary pre/pro (is it really a processor built into the unit,or just a multi-channel preamp?), isn't going to be any significantly better sounding, probably less, than a good quality used tube pre, in regards to 2 channel. With better tube compliments, the sound is going to be as good as one could expect in some of these used, sub $1k, tube pre's, from Audio Research(ok, a little tubby in the bass), Copeland, old used Cary even, and many others, for less money! Again, for $450 used, you can get a great sounding Acurus Act 3 digital pre/pro, and some used tube preamp (2 channel dubties), with the right tubes, all for a much better deal, maximizing both 2 channel and 5.1 channel. That's my choice anyway.
No, I've not heard the Cary piece in mention. But I've heard enough gear over the years to know what's what.
No, I've not heard the Cary piece in mention. But I've heard enough gear over the years to know what's what.