Does anyone notice a reduction in sound quality when a tuner is part of ther audio chain?

I notice that when my tuner is taken out of my audio rack/chain that the sound quality from my system is significantly better. I like the sound of my tuner but when disconnecting it I find the cd player has a much quieter overall sound.  If my tuner is attached but turned off I still find the sound quality less than if the tuner is disconnected completely. Is my best option to simply disconnect the interconnects from the tuner to the preamp when not using the tuner? Would a better preamp resolve this issue or is it a matter of  RF leakage that would happen with any preamp?
I have no problems if it is an older, fully analog tuner, that has a real on/off switch...have avoided digital tuners in main system...system sounds much better when my streamer is unplugged
This should not be the case i dumped by tuner 30 years ago never had a problem with sound quality.
Tuners need more maintenance that most components that they seldom get like alignment, recaping, etc . So they  can and often do cause noise 
Thanks for all your input. In fact my tuner is out being repaired which is how I notice the difference in sound. I think it's a matter of RF which is leaking from tuner input into the rest of the preamp. I think it's not resolvable unless I actually unplug the tuner's interconnects from the preamp.I would leave the tuner plugged into ac when not in use but left off and unplugged from preamp. I'm hoping this would be my solution. Any thoughts or advice?
Yes for sure better gear will help. RCA connections share ground. XLR is a better option.

Glad to see you don’t buy into the idea that your gear is so resolving that simply the proximity of the tuner will affect it. There are many tin toilers here who believe that detrimental effects on the music from extraneous factors like cables etc. indicates their gear is highly resolving (instead of realizing that something is faulty with the setup).