I should have mentioned that the Townshend Seismic Isolators are also offered on a number of different "platforms". In addition to the individual Pod which can be used in sets of three or four for use directly under a component, Townshend makes the Seismic Platform, which is a thin shelf with a Pod bolted onto each corner, onto which a component may be placed. There is the Seismic Podium, which is similar but for a speaker enclosure to be placed upon. Then there is the Seismic Bar, a pair of outriggers for a single speaker with a Pod bolted onto each end. That is good for the narrow/deep proportioned speaker enclosures, the outriggers giving the enclosure a wider, more stable footprint. Also available is the Seismic Corner, which has a pair of Seismic Pods bolted onto a metal bar that is placed under the corner of an equipment rack, four Seismic Corners obviously required (with a total of eight Pods). And then the Seismic Rack, which has a pair of Pods under each corner of a four-shelf rack, each shelf being a Seismic Platform.
Each individual pod comes in seven weight-appropriate versions, from 2lbs. to 140 lbs.