when i was experimenting with stillpoints the dealer said it was best to start with your loudspeakers as they cause most of the vibration when playing music, which can travel to your delicate electronics , it made sense as i like to play quite load so i get the sense of a real life like musical experience .
i didn't get on with the stillpoints and was advised to try the Townsend seismic podiums which were a very new product he recommended checking out the you tube video with Max townshend demonstrating the effects of seismic speaker isolation .
All i can say is they transformed my system from great to absolutely amazing in every area , my speakers have completely disappeared every area of musical reproduction has been improved to incredible levels ,
PMC loudspeakers are a solid box type speaker used in recording studios around the world , the company is planning on building a podium platform into the design of there loudspeakers , i have not heard first hand a PMC loudspeaker on a seismic podium but hearing there plans the effect must of been similar to what i experienced ,
like all hifi you got to try before you buy all i can advise is im so glad i tried as they transformed my system , over the years i have owned some outrageous hifi , i am the only audiophile in the UK to own the Nola Grand Reference being driven by 4 of the Edge NL reference mono blocks the front end was a DCS stack which i swapped for the Esoteric PO1 with a pair of D01s and the Esoteric clock .
That was all some years ago when business was very good , all i can say is im enjoying my lector cd707 with psu7 my little Nordacoustic class D amps driving my soundlabs with Townshend audio seismic isolation and a couple of mpingo discs just as much ,
i didnt get into isolation back in the day all the money went on equipment , i still say putting my sound labs on the podiums has been the biggest upgrade i have ever heard in any of my hifi systems , i believe there is no harm in you trying good luck , check out the video on youtube explaining the effects of the podiums i found it very interesting and extremely beneficial to my system as they have made a huge improvement.
when i was experimenting with stillpoints the dealer said it was best to start with your loudspeakers as they cause most of the vibration when playing music, which can travel to your delicate electronics , it made sense as i like to play quite load so i get the sense of a real life like musical experience .
i didn't get on with the stillpoints and was advised to try the Townsend seismic podiums which were a very new product he recommended checking out the you tube video with Max townshend demonstrating the effects of seismic speaker isolation .
All i can say is they transformed my system from great to absolutely amazing in every area , my speakers have completely disappeared every area of musical reproduction has been improved to incredible levels ,
PMC loudspeakers are a solid box type speaker used in recording studios around the world , the company is planning on building a podium platform into the design of there loudspeakers , i have not heard first hand a PMC loudspeaker on a seismic podium but hearing there plans the effect must of been similar to what i experienced ,
like all hifi you got to try before you buy all i can advise is im so glad i tried as they transformed my system , over the years i have owned some outrageous hifi , i am the only audiophile in the UK to own the Nola Grand Reference being driven by 4 of the Edge NL reference mono blocks the front end was a DCS stack which i swapped for the Esoteric PO1 with a pair of D01s and the Esoteric clock .
That was all some years ago when business was very good , all i can say is im enjoying my lector cd707 with psu7 my little Nordacoustic class D amps driving my soundlabs with Townshend audio seismic isolation and a couple of mpingo discs just as much ,
i didnt get into isolation back in the day all the money went on equipment , i still say putting my sound labs on the podiums has been the biggest upgrade i have ever heard in any of my hifi systems , i believe there is no harm in you trying good luck , check out the video on youtube explaining the effects of the podiums i found it very interesting and extremely beneficial to my system as they have made a huge improvement.