I’m going to revert to 5 1/4 inch floppies for source material and wire my house with RG59, vampire clamps, and revert back to thinnet and use IPX/SPX for truly veil lifting bass and dance-ability of the highs. This will also add 2X to the ^57th power of sham-wowiness to vocal presence of the mids.
I’ve got audiophile resistors coming to terminate the thinnet with. Unfortunately I can’t afford IBM Token Ring, Banyan Vines, DEQNet, or AppleTalk.
Furthermore, I’m going to write all my device drivers in COBOL because C++ just sounds harsh and edgy and reformat all my disks with FAT16.
Next I’m going to let DOS 3.3 burn in for a month or two. You really do need to do OS burn-in to get the best sound.