A passive high-pass filter is commonly accomplished via the insertion of a single capacitor on the input jacks of the main speaker’s power amp, the value of the capacitor determined by: 1- The desired x/o frequency; 2- The input impedance of the power amp. However, this method creates only a 1st order, 6dB/octave filter. For a 12dB/octave (2nd order) x/o, filtering is best accomplished via an active x/o.
A reasonably priced but also high-quality active x/o is the First Watt B4 (all discrete circuitry---no IC’s, no Opamps), which provides all the filters one should need: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th order (6, 12, 18, 24 dB/octave) slopes from 20Hz to 3200Hz, in 25Hz increments. The B4 retails for $1500, but Reno Hi-Fi (a main retailer of First Watt products) sells it at a discounted price. It is about to be discontinued, so get one while you can!