Paradigm Speakers

Waiting on my new Paradigm Persona 9F speakers to arrive next week. I'll be moving my Paradigm signature 8 series to another room. They will be overkill for the bedroom. After seeing and hearing the new Persona line. I decided life is short and they are the nicest looking and sounding speakers that will last me the rest of my life. Also along with the White floors and center channel, I purchased their book shelves in White. Expensive, but relatively inepensive for what Paradigm is delivering and equal or better than speakers in the 200k range. They really out did themselves this time around. The Signature 8 series are only 2 years old. Contemplating selling them, only because the are overkill for the bedroom. 
I agree jetter. This forum is all about sharing our listening experiences and our expertise. However, dealer hyperbole and sales are not welcome IMHO. I have suffered through Audiotroll’s salesmanship on too many different threads and I call him out every time he does it. That does not stop him.
By the way, I have always said that the Paradigms are very good speakers and T&A equipment is outstanding. I heard Audiodoctor’s presentation of both at length over 2 days at the NY stereo show last year and have heard T&A products and Paradigm products in different settings over the years.
Unfortunately, Audiotroll hypes these too much and will NEVER lend any context to the sound of whatever gear he pushes other than to maintain that it is scientifically indisputably the best in anywhere near the price. He will argue if you disagree. It is just not right here. If every dealer did what he does (and I believe most reputable dealers would maintain that they sell the finest products in their price range and can find Stereophile and Absolute Sounds reviews to support their position), what a bore this forum would be.
What Audiotroll AS A DEALER does not mention is the character of the sound. How many of you know what CH Precision gear (to which Alan Taffel favorably compared T&A gear) sounds like? Well, I’ve heard that gear on many occasions and it is very fast, has great bandwidth, great specs, etc--but some would say lacks musicality--a criticism leveled at other amplification from the likes of Constellation and Spectral, all great gear if you like that presentation; unlike, say, gear from Pass, D’Agostino and countless others which tend to be more liquid, but some would say at the cost of some transparency. By the way, I personally prefer T&A to Constellation and CH Precision, but not to other gear that costs less.
The Personas--again, if I could level a criticism-- it would be that they were just a touch on the hard/bright side.
Now Audiotroll will say that I don’t hear what he hears or that the time I heard the Personas the room was not right or the setup was not perfect and he may be right to do so--but I have no incentive to mislead anybody about what I heard because I have nothing to sell and nothing to gain by voicing my opinion for the benefit of others. Just to be clear, I can also find fault with every piece of equipment that I own and can describe those faults in detail, but have decided on balance that the combination of all of my gear works for me. We all make these choices based upon our personal preferences. Some love Martin Logan, others Sonus Faber.  Therefore, I would not argue with anyone who thought that the Personas had no equal at a multiple of their price. They are that good for the listener who likes that sound. 
But you will hear no nuance from Audiotroll--just how certain he is of his opinion due to his and Dave’s many years of experience with many brands---a position that can be taken by most dealers I know if they had the desire to so state here. Thank God they don’t.
Honestly Grpu you have your opinion and I have mine, 

However, you have been invited to actually hear the very system we are promoting for yourself, and to judge if it is indeed a magical pairing.

When prompted you say you "have heard the system before, or at other dealers showrooms etc."

Maybe it is time for you to get off your high horse and put your money where your mouth is and come and hear OUR setup.and then judge for yourself.

I have seen here at least two well known posters on every thread promoting the magic of Vandy and Ayre, yet you never pipe up to dismiss any of those posters or comment negatively.

The gaunlet has been thrown down, COME IN AND ACTUALLY HEAR THE GEAR!  

The Sound we are getting now is even better than the show setup, as we have added a Baetis computer and a Light Harmonic Dac both of those pieces are more rounded and analog sounding then the PDP 3000 we were using at the show, SO YOU HAVEN"T HEARD OUR CURRENT SYSTEM AT ALL! 

I forget that of course you are the self appointed guardian of good taste. and propriety so I am sure you won't come down, and even if you met me and Dave, yes I would be there, I doubt you would dare report your findings honestly.

You also fail to read, that there have been other people reading these threads that have taken our advice and have been thrilled by the results.

In the case of two of these people one bought a T+A integrated not from us, and the other is also in CA and is going to an event to hear the gear.

We are gaining nothing, we have advised other people of speaker selection which didn't mention Paradigm, and offered assistance on room tuning. 
You always miss my point. It's not about the gear you promote. It's about you and how you do it.  
i guess I do miss my point, the Forums are not supposed to be about one member harassing another. 

You don't have issues with the gear, you don't have issues with what I am saying, you have issues with the fact that I go on posts and try to give people advice, which so far at least three people have taken and made dramatic improvements in their setups!

Yes sometimes the posts have our products in it, sometimes they don't, what I find ironic is on many of the posts, is how bad much of the advice given is and it is usually by people without direct experience with the products they are talking about, I know most of these people are commenting with great intentions.

Take for example one guys post to check out a class D amplifier because the speaker uses a Class D amplifier, that is silly, If a speaker used a Class A amplifier to drive the  drivers other than the bass, then by that same logic you should use a Class A amplifier on the bass so they would match? The chance of finding an affordable 1,000 watt Class A amplifier that wouldn't over heat a room that wouldn't cost $100k is non existent.

We use Class D or Class H as subwoofer amplifiers as they can provide huge amounts of power cheaply and without heat or high cost. 

And here is a fact, we have tested:

ICE amps,

including a very highly rated $12k set of Ncore ampifiers and none of them had the magic of conventional amplifiers.

Analog switching amplifiers Chord, and Nuprime sounded great depeding on system matching. Nuprime sounds great with Legacy not so much with Persona.

The fact that you blatantly don't like us,  is sad, instead of visiting the store, meeting with me and Dave the store owner, and getting a demo of our facilities and product selection which is among the best on the East Coast, you rail about impropriety about a dealer posting, when i see several members posting the same things over and over, all over the forums extolling the virtues of Vandys and Ayre or ARC and Wilson, you never step up with a negative comment.

The Paradigm Personas are brand new so many people haven't heard them at all, The T+A gear was never really promoted until now in the US.

So by doing this we are helping people to hear these brands.

T+A is the LARGEST ELECTRONICS COMPANY IN GERMANY, they are roughly 10 times the size of MBL or Burmester, which also makes them about 10 times the size of VItus, and D'Agastino, Dartzheel, Gryphon and many others, THEY MAKE AMAZING GEAR that is heralded all over the world!  

Why do you think that is? Is it because of me promoting their products and selling a gizillion dollars worth of their gear?  


DO YOU THINK that MAYBE we are recommending something that is actually better? OR  LESS EXPENSIVE  then some of these other brands, and therefore, MAKING RECOMMENDATIONS that WOULD SAVE PEOPLE MONEY and OR GIVE THEM BETTER SOUND!



Maybe you should listen to the message rather then hatting the messenger?