Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Good to see you- jon_5912

I am impressed that there is a FB page for our beloved speakers.

Happy Listening!


I don't find your AR/Thiel setup a mismatch at all. In the past I ran a couple of AR preamps, an LS2, then an LS2b, and an LS 3, and I found each to mate exceptionally with my Thiels. 

My listening levels are conservative to say the least.  My CS2.2's were played with a 35 watt per channel integrated amp - the beginning of my suffering from a chronic, then undiagnosed, case of severe audiophilia.  There is no cure, besides, the disease is fun. 

Remaining high on my list of manufacturers that seem to have an affinity for Thiel are Acoustic Research, Balanced Audio Technology, Pass Labs, Threshold. Of these my top choices are Pass and AR.  

I'm currently digging my Simaudio 340i integrated with my 3.6's, my quest to "dumb down" from all the wiring and procedural complexities encountered with separates. So far, so good.  

Turn it on, turn it up!
The amp currently employed for my Thiel 2.4s is a 100 watt per channel VAC PA100/100 that was upgraded a few years ago. With the choice of an 8, 4, or 2 ohm speaker tap off the transformers this amp performs amazingly well and with Audience 24AU SE cabling the system sounds sublime.  My curiosity is getting the best of me about more power and this has led me to arrange a home audition of an Ayre VX-5 "twenty" starting this afternoon for a couple of days.  Should be fun.