Where do you get your data on the Scintillas?Sorry my bad on the phase, looked at the graph wrong.
But not on the impedance, still 1ohm in the bass, and again it seems from your measurments at 1.3khz, no place for class-D or tubes or Mosfets, they will behave like tone controls or just give up.
"True, you could with some effort, re-wire your Scintillas at home for 4 ohm operation, but with a 6dB loss in voltage-rated sensitivity. At 1 ohm, MC estimated the sensitivity to be 73dB/1W, noting that, ’Consideration also needs to be given to the peak current demand of the Scintilla at 1ohm. Taking an average impedance of 0.9ohms, a Krell KMA-200 on full song will provide up to 60V peak. Assuming minimal cable losses, the Scintillas will draw peak currents of over 60amps. Now you can see why blockbuster amplifiers of Krell current capacity are required for 1ohm working.’"
Cheers George