Proceed Avp2 problem- jumps to setup menu

I have the AVP processor with upgrade to AVP2 circuitry. Recently the unit has started going into main setup mode on its own. The front LED will indicate setup mode and I have to push the remote control (menu button) to exit the setup mode. It does this occasionally. Does this sound like some type of interference. I have tried blocking out the LED window on the front panel but it still jumps to setup mode. Could this be a problem with a circuit board component. Is there a fix available on-line or do you think the unit will require service ?

I contacted Madrigal but have not received a reply yet.

Appreciate any feedback.
Thanks , Dave
Hello Dave,

I had an AVP-S several years ago that had a similar problem. It was covered under warrantee so I sent it back to Harman in Massachusetts – this was after Proceed closed its doors. There were some problems with power supply regulation and display ICs, which were replaced. This may rule out interference with another component as a cause.

The round trip took about 6 weeks; the only cost I incurred was for the shipping to Harman. It’s best to contact Harman by phone because they seem not to read emails (assume that’s how you contacted them.) I actually found them to be very helpful and responsive, and I believe they have worked through their issues associated with disbanding Madrigal and merging the service departments.

If you are beyond your warrantee period (5 years, I recall) they may be able to recommend a service technician local to your area. (781-280-0300)

Hope this helps.

Thanks Bob

I did receive some additional info from HSG and checked into some other suggestions. I now beleive the problem is static electricity reeking havoc on the AVP2. It is the first time I have had this problem with any audio component. It's winter and the room is somewhat dry (40%) humidity and the room is carpeted. If I rub my foot on the carpet several times and touch the AVP 2 the LED's flicker for a split second and the unit jumps to the menu setup. It has even switched modes. Can a light dose of static electricity damage the unit ? I never received a shock or a saw a spark flash. Ever hear of this problem.

My room is very dry as well. This has happened
me. I have DYI equipment rack made with 3/4''
threaded rod. I always try to touch that first.
Hasn't been the cause of any serious problems but
it sure scares the **** of me. Specially when you
see one of your units either shutoff or bugout.
I have seen and heard the little static charge.
It can't be a good thing.