Troy , you are a good guy and no dummy .
I sold Audio in early 70’s for one of the biggest dealers in USA.
For example, he was biggest Sansui dealer in the world .
He also sold TV and picked some thing new on the market, Apple Computers .
I knew audio was over when a yuppy couple asked me what computer should they buy for their 5 year-old .And they cost a LOT in those days .
The huge audio sales of the 60’s and 70"s were a function of what was" cool’ at the time. it was never about the music itself .
I doubt if 10% of the American public see music as something really important in their life and maybe 2% could not live without it . In the 30’s and 40’s I grew up in, radio was it , some form of jazz was the national binding material because there was nothing else. Still it was essentially social in nature .People had no problem in 50’s switching from big-band to garbage, in a years time it was gone from the airwaves becuse this IS a mass society, not a community .
Acoustic music fans are old, a rock concert is a social event not a musical
event , if it were the latter the audience would NEVER stand up and wave
their hands in unison , reminds me of a Nazi rally . People lack thoughts of their own, the void is filled by ones manufactured for them by others .. And they don’t even know it .