Hey ... that sub idea worked great.
Thanks guys - It made a significant difference and I'm warming up to my "new" speaker system. It ended up in a strange place but I'm not fighting with logic.
The 470's are pretty incredible ... I have a friend that has them and at times they freak me out. Master and Commander - holy cow - I just about wet myself. I went with the S2's in the rear and feel a little bad because they cost so much and never get used much. I have second guessed that purchase since the day I did it. I sure love the S4's especially with the female voice. I matched them up with a pair of Levinson amps (bi-amped) and a Levinson 360S DAC. My two channel sound has me pretty happy - especially now that I tamed my sub a little. I'm still considering the B&W Sig 800's but I think I can push it off for a while.
If you get a minute shoot me an email if you want to compare notes on your Paradigm equipment.
Dont look back man...