.But now with Theta being mostly Class D amps
Not the Theta Dreadnaugt Mark 1 or 2. Traditional design and you can save a lot of money if you find a good used one. It's a multichannel amp so you would use 4 channels in a vertical biamp. Also, that amp was designed by Ayre, so it makes sense so recommend them as well. In my own system I do a vertical biamp with a pair of V-5's. That would be another good option, and you can start out with just 1 amp.
Not the Theta Dreadnaugt Mark 1 or 2. Traditional design and you can save a lot of money if you find a good used one. It's a multichannel amp so you would use 4 channels in a vertical biamp. Also, that amp was designed by Ayre, so it makes sense so recommend them as well. In my own system I do a vertical biamp with a pair of V-5's. That would be another good option, and you can start out with just 1 amp.