Best Class A Amp under $2,000 used?

Looking for a Class A Amp (USED) to join with a Wadia 321 DAC and Dali ms-4 speakers for digital sources.  Budget around $2,000.   What are some good possibilities in this range? 
Perreaux PMF 1850. 170 watts of Mosfet power..  can't be beat for sound quality and will cost less than $1000.00. 
I have no idea why people here don't just answer your question. There are a few very good class A amps to chose from. The best under $2,000 used?  That's a hard question to answer because there is no best. It all depends on what kind of sound you are looking for. If you want a very detailed sound, try the older Krells, want a more musical sound, Thresholds, and if you like something in between, Mark Levinson. These older amps are still killer machines and would still be fine in a system today. I didn't put specific models because there is lots to chose from, so do your research on which model you like most. Good Luck!!!!!
There's also the Bryston 4B series that fall within your budget and power requirements
Thank You for all of the feedback and recommendations on these questions.  I am going to take a few days to look some of these amps up.  I wish I could sit in a room, listen and compare them over a couple of days but I get a feeling that is not going to happen (ha)

Interesting @lowtubes that the older amps can still hang with more modern technology. I like the idea of a professionally refurbished older amp because some of them have a great cosmetic appeal as well.  The Belles SA-100 and most Pass amps have a great look to them as well.  About 20% of my choice would be based on this ( especially since I can't hear them). 

@Phusis -Thanks for the well written piece.  I didn't know that some of the better D amps draw comparisons/characteristics of class A.  Nothing wrong with liquidity.  I have a Peachtree Grand which is ICE and nice but I find it sort of lacking bite and texture at lower volume levels.  

One thing I didn't mention is that my Kenwood 700 M & Wadia Dac 321 is in a smaller carpeted room and the Grand system is in a larger room with a tiled floor.  The larger room does have a rug, furniture and broad band sound panels.  I will have to do an amp switch to make sure it's not the room vs the amps.