Acurus Act 3 vs Lexicon Processor

Looking for a processor for HT only that I will pass through my preamp into my cary cinema 5 amp. Want 0 noise. Would like to spend $500 or less so the above fit nicely. Opinions?
Good grief! It is so fashionable to dump on the old Lexicon DC-1. Certainly it won't do the job for high resolution playback like SACD,DVD-A, or even vinyl because it lacks any kind of analog bypass. I certainly don't use mine for critical listening. But for television, movies and concert DVD's it does just fine. The best Dolby Digital and DTS soundtracks are simply awesome on the DC-1. And it is dirt simple to set up. Lexicon's instructions are even written in a way that anyone can understand and do the setup with ease. Try that with a Denon, Sony, Theta, or EAD instruction book. You can find DC-1's for as little as $500 if you are patient. For that price it is a screaming bargain. Be sure to get at least version 2.1 with Dolby Digital and DTS. I have had mine for around 3 years and have not felt the urge to upgrade even after auditioning the mighty Theta Casablanca III(Yes it is a lot better but for 7 large or more to get one, I'll keep the DC-1). You will have to pry my DC-1 out of my cold dead hands.
"Back to the Lexicon DC-1,...the DCs is my primary HT processor. I frankly can't relate to the comments made above. The sound quality rivals many pure stereo pre's I've tried, including Rotel RC1070, and also Classe CP35."
"Good grief! It is so fashionable to dump on the old Lexicon DC-1." (jimburger)

To each his own. I am very glad there are many out there that simply love their Lexicons. I've not only sold them retail, but have been to many a setup, store, home, show, or othewise, and I simply don't care for the sound at all, personally. In the Lexicon's defense, the stearing, channel separation, and overall dynamics are very good indeed. I just think that most it falls flat in the other areas. They're not musical, airy, ultradetailed, or prisine, even high-end sounding, nor refined. I'm just spoiled by better sound. Actually, as mentioned above, even the Rotel stuff betters the sonics of the Lexicon IMO. I know someone who's selling their 1068 in mint cond, if interested. for $600-700, a much better choice I think.
good luck
I respectfully disagree with Flrnlamb's opinion.

I had a Rotel RSP-1068. It was a very nice unit - easy to work with, with some reasonably flexible features. Sounded decent too.

I sold it to buy a Lexicon MC-8, which was a HUGE jump in functionality and sound quality.
Not a problem. To each his own indeed.
However, you'll find no professional reviews that describe the Lexicon's sound as pristine, high-end, refined, audiophile-grade, or world class sonically, etc...none! You make you're own assumptions
I don't pesonallly now any high end audio/video guys in this buisiness (and I know a bunch), who sell and or can get deals on Lexicon, who actually own the processors either! There's simply much much better stuff sonically.
Hi Flrnlamb - I understand that you don't care for the Lexicon processors, and that's absolutely OK. Let's separate personal opinion from fact though.

A quick Google search finds numerous e-zine and print magazine profession reviews which describe various Lexicon models' sound quality in glowing term, despite your assertion that there are none.

You may very well not know any people "in this business" who own Lexicon, and that's OK too, but that does not mean they don't exist. I know quite a few.

Again, I respect your opinion, but let's not stray into posting our personal viewpoints as fact.