Sfall mentions to lower the gain which It is already done.
Its probably still a gain issue. The Exact puts out 7.0mv. Just to give some perspective, a very common high output cart like the DV10x5 puts out 2.5mv. Most likely, nothing is broken, you just have a mismatch. Your dealer probably didn't say anything about it because its a package deal and they didn't want to lose the sale if they told you it would be necessary to buy a phono pre as well.
Call your dealer Monday and tell them the cart they sold you puts out 7mv and is over driving your phono preamp on the lowest gain setting, and see what they say.
Its probably still a gain issue. The Exact puts out 7.0mv. Just to give some perspective, a very common high output cart like the DV10x5 puts out 2.5mv. Most likely, nothing is broken, you just have a mismatch. Your dealer probably didn't say anything about it because its a package deal and they didn't want to lose the sale if they told you it would be necessary to buy a phono pre as well.
Call your dealer Monday and tell them the cart they sold you puts out 7mv and is over driving your phono preamp on the lowest gain setting, and see what they say.