Ground Hum with Rega RP6, Exact and TT PSU.


Just purchased a Rega RP6, Exact, TTPSU and I am getting a HELL of a hum. I am using an Aragon 47K Phone pre amp. I unplugged the wall wart and the cable which goes from the table and it is still there. I seems to get worse when I turn it on and the tonearm gets close to the center of the arm spindle and it picks up a lot of motor noise. Just sold a 28 year old Linn Axis with a Signet Cartridge and never had this issue with just the normal hiss associated as you turn up the volume. It's not noticeable a lower volumes but it is there during quiet passages and it is extremely annoying. The table sounds way better but the noise is very intrusive and honestly I am disappointed after dropping almost $2000. Thanks in advance
" Only have about 40 hours on the cartridge so hate to change but it my be the solution. "

Phono carts go through a lot of break in. There were times when a new cart sounded so bad, I thought it was broken. 40 hours is a good start, but don't make a decision until you have at least 100.
Thanks Sfall. I understand where you are comig from, however I would not blame my dealer (at least not yet). He was very gracious to let me keep the table for about 10 days about month ago and I think that it was just a matter of a scenario in which I did not check the tonearm pushing it closer to the spindle. Again at moderate levels is not intrusive since I am using a 250 watt per channel Krell amp and I will never turn it up to the max level of 5:00 pm.  I also checked the wiring in the cartridge and it is absolutely correct. I am obviously dissapointed that the darn thing is doing this. Both my wife and I are professional musicians and absolutely love the way the table sounds and we find  it very musical. More so than my old Linn.  I am willing to take small steps and worst case scenario exchange it for something else. Will talk to my dealer on Tuesday since they are closed tomorrow. Thanks again for your input and happy listening. 
How about the dealer who sold you the table/arm/cartridge? Proper set-up, operation, and your satisfaction should be included with the purchase and guaranteed.
I would still ask about the 7mv. It can't hurt.

Also think about the rest of your components and if you made any changes at all. Even if you don't think its related. Here's an example. Lets say your system sounds fine, and then you buy a new pair of speakers, and now you have the same noise issue. Your first instinct is to blame the speakers, but in reality, the problem may lie elsewhere. Its just as likely one of your source components has a lot of gain, If your new speakers are more efficient than your old ones, you can easily get the same noise. Nothing is broken, its just a system matching mistake.

The above is just an example I made up so you don't overlook anything. Either way, there's no reason to worry, or get upset. Problems like this are usually easy to diag.
I am not sure about the issue with the Exact having 7 mv. My old Signet had an output of 5.5 MV and never had that issue. I actually tried it at a higher gain and it just got louder with ZERO hum therefore I don't know if an extra 1.5 MV would cause this problem.  To me it is obviously an issue with the table/cartridge. Thanks again for everyone's opinion. I just want stuff to work and not have to change a bunch of other equipment which works just fine. Best regards to all.