Something closer to a Pareto curve. Its a surface, not a point. Amplifiers are systems-of-systems. Transformer technology has evolved. Discrete components are no longer +/- 5%. Some are now chip-ed assemblies rather than PC boards. And line widths are under 10 nm with the upper end of 80 nm dissipating from stocks. Speakers have changed. Test equipment has evolved. Recording and mixing technology changed (evolved, arguably). You have devices now that clock in nano (soon to femto) and a few 10s of milliseconds vs micro and hundreds of milliseconds. RIAA curve has evolved. FCC and CISPR measures and isolation have changed. There are some who find comfort in what they once knew. Economic market value isn't just set by taxonomy- alone or in large part. Authenticity is now argued with newer, non-deterministic math. Still, some cling to subjectives in prose and poetry to evoke a consensus. Market valuations are just a sum of demand against a supply. Baby boomers will still prefer a signature sound they have trained themselves listen for. Greenspan's 'irrational exuberance'.