@fjarratt - Thank you sir for the strong recommendation...
The DEEP CORE is out in the field now with a few guys and more just shipped.
The DEEP CORE will truly astound people at this product addresses so many issues with Transformer Synchronicity - Every Transformer works differently in every system and power grid - we get the Earth (Ground) and Neutral synchronous and relationship into a "better place"... :)
More about this soon - there is a lot to talk about here... but I've been trying to keep quiet until some of the Beta Guys check in.
I can promise something very very special here...
Best always,
The DEEP CORE is out in the field now with a few guys and more just shipped.
The DEEP CORE will truly astound people at this product addresses so many issues with Transformer Synchronicity - Every Transformer works differently in every system and power grid - we get the Earth (Ground) and Neutral synchronous and relationship into a "better place"... :)
More about this soon - there is a lot to talk about here... but I've been trying to keep quiet until some of the Beta Guys check in.
I can promise something very very special here...
Best always,