Time for dedicated outlets!

I would like some advice on what exactly to tell my electrician to be sure I get what I need. Is just saying that I want two separate dedicated lines to the listening room sufficient or are there other key fraises that should be included in my description of the work I would like done?
+1 to the 10/3.  And buy it yourself at Home Depot; it's thick enough that the electrician will try to convince you that your overkill is silly, but if you just hand it to him he'll have no choice in the matter.  :-)

Be sure to circle back to let us know how it effects your sonics.  I don't think you'll be disappointed.
Thanks again for all the good advice, i will start looking for someone I can trust.
I guess I got lucky. I paid an electrician and he did exactly what I asked for. Still, definitely worth every penny I spent. 
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Something that I’ve wondered about, electricians use staples when running cables. Any audible effect ? (as long as they don’t pierce the jacket).