Help: Accuphase XLR pin 3 hot into XLR pin 2 hot? (no unbalanced avail)

I'm picking up an old Accuphase G-18 equalizer to offset my hearing loss. My research shows that the G-18 has pin 3 hot.

How do I resolve this hook up anomaly, as the Accuphase has pin 3 hot, and my Boulder 865 has pin 2 hot? There are no unbalanced inputs on my Boulder.

Thanks, a befuddled Ken
You’re welcome, Ken.

Note, though, the second from the last paragraph in my post above. If you are providing the G-18 with balanced inputs, as well as using its balanced outputs, introducing that device into the signal path would **cause** a polarity reversal, that would not occur without it.

If the balanced inputs and balanced outputs of a component both have the same polarity, whether pin 2 or pin 3 of its connectors is referred to as "hot" is irrelevant.

It may be a different situation in the case of some professional microphones, which appears to be the intended application of that device, because the XLR connectors of most pro mics convey DC power into them in addition to conveying their output signals.

-- Al

Don't worry about it!! Exactly 1/2 of your recordings are out of polarity anyway so its not going to affect things for the most part.
Ah atmasphere,
 I like & appreciate your comment. Don't worry, yea. 
Once received, I'll listen to it as is, then determine if I need any intervention.
Another option which I performed on my Sony CD player is to unsolder the wires into the XLR plug and swap the wires to match the new standard format of pin 2 hot.    
According to the Polarity Pundit exactly 92% of CDs are out of polarity. So folks would be much better off putting their system out of polarity. Then only 8% of CDs would sound out of polarity. Also, according to the polarity pundit LPs don't suffer the same fate in terms of percentages. Looking on the bright side for just a moment since a very high percentage of CDs released in the last 20 are overly compressed, what's one more glaring defect like polarity?