Looking to upgrade my towers

Hey there, so I'd like everyone's opinion here. I currently have mirage os3fs towers for my mains but they aren't really impressive with the sound they deliver. Music wise they don't sound very good at all in my opinion. So I've been looking at some different less costly options. Either some used psb silver I's or some used B&W DM603's. These would be for both music and movies. But I think a huge step up either way. What do you think? 

If you want too keep the budget low for a passive, the Schiit Sys is a good option. It's basically a source selector switch with a volume control, just like most other passive preamp and does it well. It doesn't add or remove anything in the audio path as long as you don't need to run real long interconnects. All for $50.
You can buy it direct from their website - unless you want to try to find one preowned. I'm not good with hyperlinks,but, schiit.com will get you there.

I have a multibit dac from them and like it. 

Ok. Hey, I appreciate the feedback. Things I've heard about but wouldn't have thought to try first. Thanks