Frequencys step??

Ok, so i just charted out my ht room using the Rives cd and radioshck spl. Looks like my main problem areas are a 200hz and 630hz spike. I went ahead and did a map of the room(as per Rives).

So are these major issues that i should try and correct with room treatments or something that is relatively common and i can leave as is. My room is 25x15, carpeted, drop ceiling(8.75ft). The sound sometimes feels slightly "muddied" in the mid area, not sure if this is related to the problem areas i mentioned.

I am more of a diy kind of person, especially when i look at the cost of room treatments costing more than some of my components. Where do i go from here as far as finding the actual problem areas?

Are the spikes at the main listening position (sweet spot)? How large are the spikes?
200 Hz spike might be a wall reflection reinforcement from your main speakers. If your main speaker baffle is 43 CM from the rear or 43 cm from the corner wall ( measured to furthest edge of speaker from wall ) then this would explain a boost at 200 HZ.
My last post is the speaker to wall distance for a downward cancellation spike at 200HZ (not reinforcement...oops).

If you are seeing an upward spike or reinforcement at 200 HZ then the distance from the rear wall to the front baffle of your main speakers would need to be about 60 CM to cause this.

Sorry for the error on last post.