Sold a hi end headphone amp and guy says "buzz like a refrigerator".
Figured ground loop, but can't know if maybe shipping damage so took it back. Quiet as could be. Resold it and new buyer says dead quiet. So I got stuck. Cost me $200 in PayPal and shipping. :/
Spoke with the manufacturer in the middle of the process and he says gets a call every 2 weeks from someone complaining of noise and takes the return to find the product is virtually always fine.
Figured ground loop, but can't know if maybe shipping damage so took it back. Quiet as could be. Resold it and new buyer says dead quiet. So I got stuck. Cost me $200 in PayPal and shipping. :/
Spoke with the manufacturer in the middle of the process and he says gets a call every 2 weeks from someone complaining of noise and takes the return to find the product is virtually always fine.