Equipment I or my close friends have still in use .... Amber 70 amp (original condition), HK Citation 11 (original condition), Teac 7040 high speed two track tape deck (original condition), Teac 4070 consumer tape deck (just had minor servicing, first since I bought it in 1970), Audio Research SP6-B (in daily use from 1980 untill I sold it in 2007), Audio Research D90 (in daily use from 1980 until I sold it in 2007), Thiel 3.5 speakers (four, in use since 1989), Thiel 2 2's (two, in use since 1995), Audionics Bt-2 preamp and CC-2 power amp (I've owned six at one time or another in original condition, no problems with any an all sounded great although not with exceptionally low noise or transparency. BTW, the CC-2 was THE FIRST low TIM amplifier).
Koss Pro 4aa headphones. Heil AMT-1 speakers (with woofer suspension replacment). Counterpoint SA-1000.
This is all gear that is up to modern standards and operating in substantially good systems. Hope this helps.
Koss Pro 4aa headphones. Heil AMT-1 speakers (with woofer suspension replacment). Counterpoint SA-1000.
This is all gear that is up to modern standards and operating in substantially good systems. Hope this helps.