Boring but still needed: which VHS VCR?

Here is a non-sexy question: My old HS VCR expired, which brand and model should I get (or brands to stay away from!)?

I have already invested in a dvd player, so only VCR is needed. It will be used for watching old tapes (so safe mechanical handling is an issue) and for normal recording and viewing.

My local sources are offering Panasonic 4525, 4624, and *refurbished* Sony N750, N55, N77. Prices are under or around $100 and any differences are not deciding factors. I can also buy inline if something else will make much better sense. Thanks.
PS to the above. The more I think about it:

#1 - what is holding you to a VHS instead of making a move for less money to a DVD? If you buy one with progressive scan out and HDMI connectors you will be ready for the future

#2 - forego the cable company and get DirectTV with Tivo. When you are ready to get that LCD with HD, upgrade to HD capable.

Net cost - perhaps $500
Ckorody: We already have a dvd player. We use vcr for two reasons. To watch legacy tapes we own (maybe these should be converted to dvd as you say), and to tape certain tv programs. If the latter can be done conveniently and inexpensively with a digital gadget, we might as well ditch the vcr.

What is the least expensive digital solution to for recording about 6 hours worth of programs? I am talking off the air tv, not tivo etc.
Tivo is the one I am familiar with. it is beyond brainless and kind of fun to use. There must be other hard drive based solutions - since we have satellite we just ordered it at the same time. I put a premium Toslink on it and the sound is very good for what it is.