Furutech AC Receptacles

Do the Furutech GTX-D R/G AC receptacles require installation with Furutech wall plates and covers?
I was trained in assembly language and Algol and in using computers with higher mathematics as well as statistical thermo. I worked for a while for the 1st PhD in Computer Science from U. Illinois Urbana who helped design the advanced computer in early 60s there used as the model for HAL-9000 in 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Yes, BAL was the language we all used at the start of my career. It is a very thrifty language in its' use of memory. It required coding discipline, unlike today's bloated high-level languages.

Ah yes,  Art Clarke's 2001: A Space Odyssey and his very clever twist on the HAL moniker (i.e., H (i) A (b) L (m). I was sort like one of those primates throwing clubs ... more age dating!
Break In period is something typical to Dating. Your just getting to know the girl.

After the break in period is over, you decide if you can live with her or cant stand her flaws and habits.