Looking to upgrade my towers

Hey there, so I'd like everyone's opinion here. I currently have mirage os3fs towers for my mains but they aren't really impressive with the sound they deliver. Music wise they don't sound very good at all in my opinion. So I've been looking at some different less costly options. Either some used psb silver I's or some used B&W DM603's. These would be for both music and movies. But I think a huge step up either way. What do you think? 

I'll look at this for sure. I've seen some paradigm reference 60's going for a decent price. They look promising. 
bob, I agree with you in general terms but there are exceptions.
5"  rega mid-bass on R-3 and R-5 with  one cap crossover and 7" self rolling off side bass are one .
I'm thinking maybe the wharfedale 10.7's or paradigm reference studio 60's. Any opinions of these two. Comparisons and differences in both sonically? 
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Yeah I seen that also. But working on a budget I gave myself $1200 is more than I'm thinking of dropping at this point. Even though I can hear the saying "you get what you pay for" echoing in the back of my mind. The diamonds 10.7's look good but I'm stuck wondering how they'll perform in my home theater. Musically I don't have a worry but I /we watch alot of movies. And everyone else might be content and never notice, I'll be the one focused on the speakers not performing like I want instead of focused on the movie playing. So many new options to look at and choose from now. Theres some psb silveri's, paradigm reference studio 60 v1 or 2's. The wharfedale's. Even some bowers, all going for pretty decent prices. I'm stuck, but knowing full well no matter what I decide on I'll be gaining a ton.