When is it time to consider adding a SUT?

I have an ARC reference phono 2 and am about to take possession of a Benz LPS with a low output. I have heard that installing a SUT such as one from Bobs devices can help the phono pre and provide better end to end performance. Would this help a quality phono pre like the ref 2?

There is only one problem with your analysis: "the bipolar full SS phono stage" that sounds better than even a mid-level tube phono stage is unobtainium.  Nice try though.
So we now have many posts quoting the science and others quoting user experience indicating that a quality SUT and cables may in fact improve the end to end performance of a high quality and capable PS even if they have sufficient gain required for LOMCs.
I am still waiting for my cartridge to come in and I will listen carefully for any anomalies even though one might not know what is missing until you try a SUT in the chain.  
Dear @billstevenson : Well, that kind of designs exist in the market. I'm using one for some years now and outperforms not mid-level tube designs but any one .

@gtaphile :   "" not know what is missing until you try a SUT in the chain.  "

for " thousands " of years I used SUTs with either: tube and SS designs. I owned almost every SUT in the market. In those time I really did not know nothing of what " today " I learned/experienced on the SUT subject.
As a fact I still own Denon, Entré and Audiocraft SUTs. I still use it time to time, so I have past and today first hand experiences.

I can tell you that you can't miss anything through the SUT experiences against a today good active design using today bipolar devices. A SUT can't compete in anyway against today bipolar transistor. The audio signal is degraded at higher levels through a SUT than a transistor. Problem is that the audio signal in your system pass through tubes in the AR item.

Audiophiles have different kind of experiences and learn different " things " and sometimes exist misunderstood in what we learned.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC not DISTORTIONS,


Please provide facts to back up your claims.  What phono stage are you referring to?  What tube phono stages have you compared it with?  What is your criteria for deciding what phono stage "outperforms" others?  Try and stick to facts.  Making a statement that you have used something for "thousands" of years, does not help your credibility. 

I will state for the record that I have personally listened to high end phono stages from Conrad Johnson, Audio Research and Manley that sound better to me, in my system, than a solid state phono stage that I have compared them with.  My solid state reference has been a Lehmann Silver Cube.
Dear @billstevenson : No problem because exist several facts about but before that is important that you and me talk in the same " audio language ".

All the audio items are designed to accomplish specific targets and I would like that you share from your point of view which of those item targets are the main ones in a phono stage .?

Could you, please?

Thank's in advance.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC not DISTORTIONS,