Many questions about HT pass-through options

I'm trying to consolidate/simplify equipment in my dual purpose (2 channel and home theater) media room. The net is I want to use the same amplifiers and front speakers for both systems without recabling each time I switch.

I'm completely satisfied with my preamp (Musical Fidelity Nu-Vista) and prefer not to swap it out, but want to easily switch 5.1 (via my pre-pro) to 2 channel and back.

I'm considering a new preamp with home theater passthru, or equivalent alternatives not requiring a new pre.

My questions:

1) Exactly how is HT passthrough implemented in audiophile preamps? Is it simply a high quality switch, or is there something more to it?
2) I read in one post that the standard tape loop can be used for bypass. Is this true? Has anyone done it? Isn't there a risk to the internal circuitry of my preamp?
3) In lieu of a new preamp, is there high quality selector switch that doesn't cost a small fortune? Has anyone made one DIY, and if so, can you recommend good switch parts?

Finally - any recommndations for a good quality preamp, preferably Tube, with a really good phone section, passtrhu, and remote controllable. Budget is in the $1500 range used.

any and all advice or opinion is welcome, and appreciated
Why don't you just run the preamp L+R outputs from your prepro into an unused input on your Musical Fidelity?...I've used this method in the past and it works very well.

You set your Musical Fidelity volume control at twelve O'clock to do a one time channel balance setup with the prepro...after that, you just set it there every time you watch a movie...very simple.

Many people use this type of can do a search to confirm this.

The above will work but you do have two volume controls in line and will degrade the sound. It is better to have an HT pass-thru.
"The above will work but you do have two volume controls in line and will degrade the sound. It is better to have an HT pass-thru"

Yep, you'll have non-audiophile hometheater sound... Of course if watch the movie you'll never know.

take a look to Primare stereo preamp,has HT pass thru,remote and you have just to push one buton on remote,that's all you have to do.Simple.Nice sounding too.Check the website for more info
I totally agree with Dave. His suggested setup works just fine and you don't have to buy anything.

Since you are affectively not touching your 2-channel setup at all (except connecting an additional input to it), it does not affect your 2-channel enjoy at all. There is a potential for a slight degradation to your multi-channel setup, but as Dave said (paraphrase) "it's a movie, who cares". Also, it will only affect the L&R fronts anyway, so not a big deal since most of the important stuff comes out of the center channel for movies.

As long as you can tolerate the "hassle" of setting the volume control on your pre-amp to a pre-determined spot (like 12 o'clock), then you are good to go.
