Thanks John, I’ll do that when I return from my trip next week down to SoCal to get the rest of my stuff and haul it up here to Vancouver.
Kenny, the individual Seismic Pods can be used in sets of three rather than four, as long as their combined weight capacity is sufficient for the piece place on them. That plus not having to pay for the Seismic Bar or Platform makes them significantly cheaper.
There is a new isolation product I just learned of that may provide some competition to the Townshend---IsoAcoustics Gaia (for speakers) and Iso-Puck (for components). How they compare remains to be seen. Other than the rather expensive electron microscope isolation tables from Newport and MinusK (over $2000), the only other isolators effective down to a very low frequency I’m aware of are 1- roller bearings, such as those made by Symposium Acoustics (New York) and Ingress Engineering (Canada). They provide a lot of isolation for their modest price ($85-$199 per set of three), but only in the lateral/horizontal plane, not the vertical, in which they are couplers. You therefore need to use in conjunction with them 2- springs of appropriate rating (such as those offered by Audiogoner Geoff Kait), which provide isolation in the vertical plane. The combination of the two makes for very effective isolation down to low single-digit frequencies, around 3Hz.
Oh, I’ve already taken a look at your system pics Kenny, back when you contacted me about the OB/Dipole Sub. Very, very nice!---Eric.