ARC Amp for ProAc Response 2.5?

I am looking for an amp to drive my ProAc Response 2.5. My system consists of Theta Data II Transport, Audio Synthesis DAX Dac and Conrad Johnson Premier 2 preamp. Interconnects are Nordost Red Dawn and speaker cable Nordost Blue Heaven. I have found an Audio Research D125 and a D115 in a second shop and wonder which will be a better amp for my Response 2.5, or there are other better matches. I generally listen to vocal and orchestra music.
They all good but on ProAc 2.5 you need only 50W so I'd consider VT-50 or CA-50 integrated.....MAGIC cabels get from Cardas.....:-)
You already have a CJ pre. Try to buy one of CJs Premiere series amps. AR is a good match with Proacs but CJs are magical with it.
I have 2.5's with AR VT100 MkII -- absolutely phenomenal. Although the CJ is a fine preamp, however, I have found the conventional wisdom that you get the most out of AR amps only when coupled with AR preamps to be true. For this reason, I'd strongly suggest auditioning some CJ power...