Placement tips for Synergistic Research HTFs

I just bought 15 HTFs and will also be making about a dozen of Ozzie's homemade models.  While I will re-fresh myself with SR's placement tips, and I get that I will have to do some experimenting to tailor the HFT effect to MY listening room; are there any "Advanced HFT Placement Tips" some of you would like to share with us?  Something that might be overlooked by many of us?  Or maybe, just a good rule-of-thumb tip for someone just starting to use these?
The tips could be tips for bring out more highs, solidifying the bass response, placement hi vs low, in front of vs behind speakers, on side walls, at reflection points, behind the listener, on the ceiling above the equipment or above the listener, on the equipment.
Any ah-ha that you would like to share?  I would also be very interested in hearing from people using Magnapans.

Toolbox - I posted some pics of my resonators on my system page. I filed the bowls down so they are flush with the copper caps. They look better and sound the same. I think they sound slightly better, but I think that’s completely expectation bias. I’ll get a few more copper caps and make some glue in resonators and report back. I think I’m single handedly depleting Lowes’ stock of 3/8" copper caps!

What’s blowing my mind with these resonators is how effective they are. I was incredibly sceptical. But man, they’ve helped open up the soundstage loads. And, more importantly and surprisingly, they’ve solved a massive resonance problem I had. My left wall is half floor to ceiling glass doors and half large window. That’s a lot of glass. But our design choices preclude heavy curtains, or, really, curtains of any sort. With my current setup of 18 HFTs, the resonance in the high mids and up is gone. Nice!

If you filed down the tubular diameter so it was flush with the interior taper as seen in your photos that is a very good thing. From my experience the shape you have selected either by intuition or much listening has little to do with compressive waves but more about wave types that can be dispersed thu solids of a geometric form. Good form makes for better sound. Tom

Those are some good lookin' resonators.  You could sell those ;^)  I'm becoming a specialist in resonators noone would want to look at.

Speaking of good looking - I love the look of your preamp. Sweet.

Looking at the preamp I see you have a pair of tube dampers on each tube.  Underneith the preamp I see some feet that look an aweful lot like Brent Jesse big, brass tube dampers.  Am I correct?  If so, did you not like them?

I should have my final resonator report out on Wednesday.


Tom - I have a couple mounted on the wall behind my speakers, pointing towards the listening position. I think, because my speakers are relatively close to my wall, the resonators work well on the speakers and rack pointing towards the wall. It seems to push the soundstage back. But I need to experiment more. Mostly with a​ SPL meter, as Geoff has suggested..

Toolbox - thanks! What the resonators sound like is definitely more important though​.
As for my pre, it sounds great too. :-) Under the pre are some feet I made from large copper pipe caps. I picked them up when buying caps for the resonators. I’m waiting on some brass tipped wooden cones to use instead, the copper legs were an experiment to see if solid feet would sound better than the stock rubber feet.. they do!