Thinking of replacing my Bat spaceheater with class D, real world thoughts please

Ok so I know there are already lots of threads on class D both negative and positive

As I have had a very positive result with replacing the ss amps in my ht rig with a single tiny Nuforce class D amp I was tempted to look into the same for my stereo rig.

This is a little more difficult as my present amp is a BAT VK600SE, 120LB of muscle and heat.

Now I am in love with my present sound but still am very curious if class D could do anything for me as it certainly did in the ht rig although those ss amps were not in the BAT league to start with.

So I would like to hear from people who have actually gone this route, replaced their expensive, heavy, power consuming amps with tiny little cold running boxes and what their results were.

Was it uplifting, about the same or make you wish you had never heard of class D!

There you go, a relatively quick, down 'n dirty, and cheap test.  Throw various 'n sundry selections and media (CD, LP. etc.) at it, turn it up 'n down, play with the eq..   Even if it's not 'perfect', you'll at least get familiar with it. *S*

Sounds like a fun afternoon or evening project.  And a rationale for making some noise. *L*

My winter system is a BAT VK55 with ESP speakers.  I change speakers and amp for summer use.  Summer is W4S ST500 with Nautilus 802's.  The sound is different for sure but I really enjoy both systems but for different reasons.  With the N802's the ST500 is superior to the Classe amps I had prior.  The ST500 sounds best in my system with an Audioquest NRG10 power cord. 

Therefore you might consider keeping your beloved BAT for use in the cooler months and adding a class D amp for summer.  I'm sure you can find something reasonable in price to try.  Then you will know for sure how they compare.  I purchased the ST500 new from Underwood Hi Fi for around 1600.00 and I'm very pleased with it.   

My preamp is tubed (VAC) and all interconnects and speaker cables are the same between systems.  I do change power cords and I alter the room treatment adding tube traps to the front wall corners due to the N802 ported bass.  So minor changes between the BAT and new class D amp may be required.

The efficiency of class D is certainly welcome for this desert dweller.   

A very interesting scenario there
Very easily accomplished too as any class d amp could sit right on top of the BAT and just move the power cords, xlr connects and speaker cables up it without changing much of anything.
More food for thought.....
Now, that's a new twist never considered.  Using a BAT as a literal 'space heater' and a D as a means to minimize the AC's load....*L*

For a desert dweller, that would make sense, goes with the seasonal clothes migration in the closets. *G*

It does beg the question:  How long and how loud does one run a BAT to get a rise of 1 F.?  It would definitely make the molecules in a space excited in one way, at least....;)

Curious minds go on being curious....;)