Small room electrostat/ planar speaker?

In about 30 days will be moving to a new home where its going to be hard to make my 1.7 maggies work in a spouse friendly way ( the only large room is the main living room). I've always gravitated to planars and electrostatics, box speakers that don't sound colored or slow usually cost more than my entire system. Where I'd like to end up is a system that's extremely resolving at low to moderate volume levels, my main dissatisfaction with my current Mg 1.7 speakers and Prima Luna amp is that it really doesn't come to life until the volume is moderate listening levels or higher.

I'm wondering if anyone has seen something that approaches the coherency and speed of the 1.7s that would work in an 11x12 listening room? I'd like to keep the cost limited to $4k if possible.
My acoustically treated room is 10 x 12 x 8 and I got very good result with Fostex F200A in a closed box with Cayin A-50T amp. Please take a look to my add for more informations.      
Given that size, the Audient 1+1 V2+ is well within your budget and the enthusiastic reviews are pretty compelling.

Even with the tricked out V2+ version, you budget would still have room for a small, fast sub to provide extension into the low 30s and maybe even lower.

Your in trouble.  Get the best headphones you can buy. 
  Also head amp. The maggies
Would work. In a small room imo
As not to much worry about side
Walls.   You need to pressurized 
The room.   Not USING proper word PRESSURIZED 

I have a small man cave room with Manley equipment and rega RP8. I have a pr of Quads Unlimited restored esl57's and they worked excellent in my room. They can be close to the side walls (about 8") you don't have to worry about protection and the bass is more than enough. I have played them 80 - 90 db all day long. The room is only 10x11

I've had them hooked up to my PASS X250.5 in my big living room and now use a 100 watt mono blocks Manley Snappers

Because I wanted a change I bought a pr of ATC SCM19v2's that I love. They give me the transparency of the Quads with Bass Impact when pushed.
I heard the Mini Maggie system a few years ago at a mfrs' open house at my local high end store. The room was about the same size as yours. I'm sure that the basic 3-piece Mini Maggie would be sufficient, but to demonstrate just how dynamic this system could be, they used two pairs of the satellites and used some serious Bryston power amps behind it. 

It has the sound you are seeking--fast, dynamic, freakishly realistic-sounding, and totally devoid of boxy resonances, hot spots, and suckouts.

About 2 years later I bought a pair of 1.7s because my living space had room for them. But I'd say that Mini Maggie demo is what really made me want to own Magnepans, and when I have to downsize, it'll be Mini Maggies, no question, if they're still in production.