Best Debut Albums

Just saw that it was 50 years ago that Jimi Hendrix Are You Experienced was released. Being 61 remember it's release well. One of the great debut albums. Would like to hear what are your favorite first albums from a group or solo artist. A few of mine are;
The Doors - The Doors
The Cars - The Cars
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Pronounced  
+ 1 on Texas Flood? Very good call..... I'm a big Doors fan, so my pick was covered by the OP.  Also spun The Cars LP recently, which was an early pressing, and it sounded great. Not a huge fan of the Cars, but it is a heck of a debut.
@siddh - Crime of the Century was not the debut album from Supertramp. It was actually their third album.
As the OP reminds us of 'Are you Experienced' turning 50- it is hard to fathom our music world without it.

Happy Listening!