Tom - I have a couple mounted on the wall behind my speakers, pointing towards the listening position. I think, because my speakers are relatively close to my wall, the resonators work well on the speakers and rack pointing towards the wall. It seems to push the soundstage back. But I need to experiment more. Mostly with a SPL meter, as Geoff has suggested..
Toolbox - thanks! What the resonators sound like is definitely more important though.
As for my pre, it sounds great too. :-) Under the pre are some feet I made from large copper pipe caps. I picked them up when buying caps for the resonators. I’m waiting on some brass tipped wooden cones to use instead, the copper legs were an experiment to see if solid feet would sound better than the stock rubber feet.. they do!
Toolbox - thanks! What the resonators sound like is definitely more important though.
As for my pre, it sounds great too. :-) Under the pre are some feet I made from large copper pipe caps. I picked them up when buying caps for the resonators. I’m waiting on some brass tipped wooden cones to use instead, the copper legs were an experiment to see if solid feet would sound better than the stock rubber feet.. they do!