Good Semi-automatic Turntables ?

Pardon my ignorance, but are there any good quality semiautomatic turntables available new these days?
I am in the market for a new turntable in the <$1200 range, but would rather have the motor shut off, (and ideally have the arm lift) after the record is finished. Any recommendations?

Garrard, in their advertising of the Lab 80 Automatic Transcription Turntable in the mid-60s, said that automatic lift-off and shut-off adds an entirely new dimension of pleasure to record playing. My version is not available new; I happened across it serendipitously in reviving my Garrard 301 in a heavy laminated birch-ply/MDF plinth, when I decided to try a Rabco SL-8E linear tracking arm with a Decca cartridge. It doesn't shut off at the end of a side, but does pick up the arm, so the Decca doesn't keep playing the leadout groove after the music ends. As for the Garrard continuing to run, I don't think it's possible to wear out a 301 in a normal lifetime of record playing!
At OP, Doesn’t Soundsmith make a cartridge for your B&O?  That TT is beautifully designed and probably works better than new $1500 TTs.

@sdecker , exactly
A Technics SL10. Install an Ortofon OMP40 on it and you’ll be happy for a long time.