What speaker cable made a major difference in the sound quality of your speakers??

I am curious what speaker cables made a big "jaw dropping difference" in the sound quality of your current speakers.  What most impressed you about the difference;  that is, overall musicality, tighter, deeper bass, midrange clarity and soundstage depth, etc.etc. 

Keep the price of the speaker cables chosen or auditioned at  between $800- $1000 or  from  $1000-$1500. Was the cable bought new or used??

  Thank you,   SJ

Frey 2 was a very pleasant surprise, and still is every time I turn on my system.  It turned out to be worth every dollar.  I have no desire to try another cable.  It works perfectly with the rest of my gear.  I don't even turn on the Rel S/3 SHO anymore.  The Proacs are perfectly happy and balanced.  
   cable.? spend as much as you can. Or you will be buying again next year.     but no flat cables 
They put a hole in the midrange 
+ 1 @zacho. I recently tried Cerious Technologies graphene extreme SC's based on glowing reviews on the A'gon and elsewhere. Found them to add some weight to low end but lost quite a bit of high end clarity and air, so I returned them. Just received Triode Wire Labs American Speaker Cables and right out of the box they are much improved over Cerious Technologies - add some nice weight and provide great balance and depth throughout the tonal range. Highly recommended and similar to graphene extremes in price. As always, YMMV

For a period of a couple years I went through high priced Tara labs, MIT, Kimber, Cardas and finally top of the line Marigo, also use for interconnects.  I also played around with cheap cable just to see if I could here a difference and although I believe you can probably find a cheap cable that sounds awesome  but I gave up after a couple cheap cable attempts.

The Marigo warmed up the sound better than any other cable with my system.   Kimber were too tinny and MIT too flat.

I don't think many people know about Marigo but for my system the best, I believe the components play a large part in how a cable will sound and my NHT 3.3s a little bright on the high end may be the reason Marigo work best for me.  Also was using a Plinius SA-250 and Sonic Frontiers pre-amp when i settled on Marigo

To hiici,  I have gone that cheap speaker cable route. Actually I bought a pair of speaker cables on e-bay for $65.00 for a 10 ft pair about 3 years ago. i was amazed how well they were made. I liked them at first but after about 50 hours, they began to sound harsh and very bright. I traded them in with a Rega table to The Music Room for something, I can't remember

******  HOWEVER, Has anyone listened to or own a pair of Tellurium Q Black speaker cable. I have seen them mentioned on Audiogon a few times. They sell online for $495.00 for a 3 meter pair.  There are a few reviews around: Hi-Fi Pig and Audio Chews.  Not exactly main stream journals, but each review honestly claimed the Tellurium may enhanced what you already hearing, nothing spectacular, but both claimed excellent musicality and detail without edge.. Any feedback would be great.  Cheers to all. S.J.