Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
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just got a set of Omega Evolution SP speaker cables. Picked them up on Saturday. So far they are sounding fabulous - they replaced Jorma Statement 
Hi preg, please describe the sound with everything else about the cable as it’s breaking in, alot of reader’s want to hear from other user’s of taralab’s cable’s, especially, calvinj!
Hi pweg, Sorry I mistyped your user name,  the above post is to you,, hope to hear from you soon. 
the Omega Evolution SP's are the quietest cables i have had. Dead silent and inky blacks. They also have this spaciousness that seems to wrap around you - other than that the main sense i get with these cables is a sense of calmness - voices sound more natural and there is less obvious bass and treble and more wholeness. This last point i make because i had some super expensive euro cables that had awesome bass and great striking treble and at first i loved them but they just wore me down over time. The TaraLabs in my system just seem to sound more right couple with exceptional spatial details.