Thanks everyone. I loved the reference to the other "dangerous" thread which has over 1000 responses! wow.
As far as other types, I have right now a Music Hall MMF-5 with the Goldring 1012GX mm cart that sounds very nice and a Sony PS-X5 which is still going strong after 40 years. The Music Hall has the advantage over the Sony but I am pretty sure that's the Goldring kicking the ass of the Shure M97xE on the Sony and not the turntables.
I swapped the carts before when there was an even cheaper AT cart on the Sony and there was no contest between the two. I'm curious if the arm on the Music Hall would like the Shure... but I digress...
I think the GT 2000 is the way to go. At the current time, and at least for the next several years either turntable (GT or SL) would be the highest fidelity component in the chain.
The rest of my 2-channel system is vintage Yamaha (CR 2020 and NS 690ii speakers) The receiver will be going out for a total restoration by a Yamaha specialist soon and the speakers have already been worked on by the previous owner.
The most that will happen is that the 690ii speakers will be replaced by a pair of NS 1000 once I get my hands on a pair.
As far as other types, I have right now a Music Hall MMF-5 with the Goldring 1012GX mm cart that sounds very nice and a Sony PS-X5 which is still going strong after 40 years. The Music Hall has the advantage over the Sony but I am pretty sure that's the Goldring kicking the ass of the Shure M97xE on the Sony and not the turntables.
I swapped the carts before when there was an even cheaper AT cart on the Sony and there was no contest between the two. I'm curious if the arm on the Music Hall would like the Shure... but I digress...
I think the GT 2000 is the way to go. At the current time, and at least for the next several years either turntable (GT or SL) would be the highest fidelity component in the chain.
The rest of my 2-channel system is vintage Yamaha (CR 2020 and NS 690ii speakers) The receiver will be going out for a total restoration by a Yamaha specialist soon and the speakers have already been worked on by the previous owner.
The most that will happen is that the 690ii speakers will be replaced by a pair of NS 1000 once I get my hands on a pair.