Vandersteen Treo vs 3A Sig as upgrade

I had my local dealer hook up a pair of Treos to demo them and left with a very mixed impression. I like the overall sound. They have a smoother, more refined and sophisticated midrange that the 3A Sigs can't match. I want that. But the bass was less defined and the top end was bright. The sibilance was very exaggerated - this was with CD. Is this the character of the Treo? Thanks!
You have already made it clear that you will give up resolution vs air moved in the room.  That's cool and I know many who do this and most don't even notice it when listening to mostly rock.

I realize the Treo is not for you.  Not enough air moved.  As for reviews, they are nice, but again, I'll trust my own ears.  

All I said was that your statements of 'do not compare' and the rest just lose you any credibility in your response.  None of us can make statements like that as it's audio and personal.  When I said the Zen's weren't coherent, I said this:   I auditioned the Zen's and found they lacked coherency for ME.  Did you notice I said for ME.

As for the Quatro's being a semi active speaker, I love it. Nothing beats being able to tune the bass to the room and placing the speaker in the best place to do all the great things it does like disappear and play music in a point source sort of way.  I don't worry about the crossover part either as mine is built directly into my integrated amp.  Easy for some companies to do, like Ayre.  Plenty of great choices depending on what you like to listen to.   

Your unending and depthless devotion to Vandersteen is legendary.  There is no comparison between the Treo and 3A Sig vs the Crescendo.  Talk about a credibility gap, yours is delusional.  Enjoy your precious.

Devoted to great products.  I'm anything but the only one wlutke.  

You are so silly with saying making blanket statements and such strong ones.  That's just your opinion and you really shouldn't be calling posters delusional.  That's just wrong and rude.  I haven't called you any names at all.  Just saying that your statements IRT any audio is just not correct.  I'm honestly happy when I hear folks loving their gear.  That's awesome and for that I'm happy for you.  

You have already said that you listen to mostly rock and that you have to have a speaker that will move a ton of air.  That says all I need to know about where you are coming from, so I'm glad that you got a speaker that moves a ton of air in your room.  

I don't understand your last sentence though.  If you are telling me to enjoy my precious Quatro's, I surely am.  Did for hours this afternoon with the dogs.  Hard for me to get away from the system as it's breaking in so nicely.  Thanks guy.
The Crescendo MKII crushes the 3A Sig and the Treo.   I guess that's a blanket in your world.  That's silly.
You attempted to assasinate my credibility, I see your Vandersteen obsession so overboard as to be delusional.  Rude in, rude out.
"Precious" is from Lord of the Rings.  
Here's what I wrote 9/5/2016 about you and Vandersteen threads:
" continuously and insistently undermining any and all opinions that portray the Vandersteen in any but the most glorious light"..."Unfounded undermining of credibility just to bolster your own."