Is This Sub Powerful Enough For This Room?

I will be receiving my Velodyne DD-18 sub next week. I see a lot of people here using 2 subs. The Sub will be for home theater only. The sub has the room-correcting software and all that latest stuff.

I will be running a pair of Infinity Kappa 9 speakers full range for the rears. I will be using a pair of Infinity Kappa 7 speakers laid horizontally for the center channel.

My front speakers will be a set of Infinity IRS Beta.

Powering the front speakers will be two pair of Pass Labs X-600 monoblocs. Powering the rears and center channels will be Carver Silver 9t monoblocs for each speaker.

My processor is a Sunfire Theater Grand II.

The room is 70 ft long and 22 ft wide with a 20 foot ceiling. The speakers will be positioned on the long wall.

The front speakers have a total of eight 12" woofers and the rears have two 12" woofers each.

I have run a home theater setup in the past with the Kappa 9's as the front speakers and the Kappa 7 as the rears and no sub in this same room with good results. However in the past, I'd always feared the for the health of my woofers with the onlslaught of bass that some movies have and I don't want to submit my Betas to that kind of stress.

I'm wondering if the DD-18 has the testicular fortitude to provide enough bass for a room this size.

Click on this link to MyRoom
see my room. Click "slideshow" to view the photos.

Bigger front speakers are out of the question. I think I have big enough already...the Betas are a 4-chassis system and will take up twice as much real estate in my room as what you see in the current photos.

For two channel listening, the Kappa 9's were not overwhelmed by the size of this room. They more than held their own in that regard. The Betas came available locally and I could not pass them up and now the Kappa 9's will be moved to the rear.

I will be sitting across the room approx 15 feet from the front speakers(they will be five or six feet out from the wall.) The sub can be positioned along the same wall as the front speakers just outside of the right front speaker aprox 3 feet out from the wall.

I live in Los Angeles.
This link is a photo of the Betas of another Audiogon member. The planar columns will be spaced 12 feet apart in my room and the bass columns will be approx two feet behind and approx 1 foot to the side of the planar columns.

So you see, bigger front speakers are out of the question.
You need more than 8 12" speakers for bass?!?!? My goodness. I believe your front speakers can sustain a club easily. To add bass to this may be a humongous task in itself.

But good luck. I have never experienced the bass of a setup in a home environment in my life, so i cant even begin to imagine what is required!

D front speakers will have prodigious bass, but I only want that for 2-channel. I don't want to grimace when they have to face the bass onslaught of the cannons in "Master and Commander" or "Gladiator". I'd rather have a speaker that's designed to withstand that kind of bass assault to handle it.

Over time, I believe if I subjected my main speakers to that kind of sustained bass over a period of time, they probably would't last very long. The sub has to do the heavy lifting in my system. The speakers are at least 16 years old.

Here is a better photo of them BetaPhoto