Now now girls put your claws away, it you can not bring anything better to the table or have nothing decent to say , then please say nothing,
The discussion is an open discussion regarding my experiences and asking other audiophiles to share there experiences with speaker isolation or isolation in general,
My very long journey ended with Townshend Audio Seismic Isolation, they are a 50 year old company based in the UK but back in the 80s i believe manufactured on USA soil of course the head of affairs is the great very passionate Audiophile/Engineer Max Townshend he is an absolutely wonderful gentleman that never says a bad word about anybody’s ideas or products,
Please check out the youtube video spikes v Podiums,
If you are a true audiophile this discussion is aimed at yourselves, i have been enjoying hifi for at least 35 years i have never owned a hifi shop or outlet,
I am making no money from this discussion just passing on my findings regarding isolation, if you have purchased Townshend Seismic Isolation before this discussion or since this discussion you are know experiencing why i started this discussion in the first place,
Townshend Audio Seismic isolation Podiums are a grand breaking product everybody should at least audition them under there own speakers at home if you want to truly hear your system at its very best,
If you are a dealer/engineer yourself all the parts where out there for you to design your own Seismic Isolation Products, if your products were world class receiving magnificent reviews then there would of been a chance i could of read about them and maybe even had them recommended to me, but alas that is fiction, i am merely sharing facts and hopefully helping another audiophile experience the upgrade in sound i got, and enjoying.
I will be starting a discussion regarding choice of High End cd/sacd/dvda players soon, i personally have owned La source, MSB tech, DCS, Wadia EMM labs and Esoteric to name a thew ,my favorite is the late Esoteric K03 with the built in volume the K01 was out of my budget , i suppose i will be accused of being a dealer of Esoteric as well
The discussion is an open discussion regarding my experiences and asking other audiophiles to share there experiences with speaker isolation or isolation in general,
My very long journey ended with Townshend Audio Seismic Isolation, they are a 50 year old company based in the UK but back in the 80s i believe manufactured on USA soil of course the head of affairs is the great very passionate Audiophile/Engineer Max Townshend he is an absolutely wonderful gentleman that never says a bad word about anybody’s ideas or products,
Please check out the youtube video spikes v Podiums,
If you are a true audiophile this discussion is aimed at yourselves, i have been enjoying hifi for at least 35 years i have never owned a hifi shop or outlet,
I am making no money from this discussion just passing on my findings regarding isolation, if you have purchased Townshend Seismic Isolation before this discussion or since this discussion you are know experiencing why i started this discussion in the first place,
Townshend Audio Seismic isolation Podiums are a grand breaking product everybody should at least audition them under there own speakers at home if you want to truly hear your system at its very best,
If you are a dealer/engineer yourself all the parts where out there for you to design your own Seismic Isolation Products, if your products were world class receiving magnificent reviews then there would of been a chance i could of read about them and maybe even had them recommended to me, but alas that is fiction, i am merely sharing facts and hopefully helping another audiophile experience the upgrade in sound i got, and enjoying.
I will be starting a discussion regarding choice of High End cd/sacd/dvda players soon, i personally have owned La source, MSB tech, DCS, Wadia EMM labs and Esoteric to name a thew ,my favorite is the late Esoteric K03 with the built in volume the K01 was out of my budget , i suppose i will be accused of being a dealer of Esoteric as well