Parasound Halo jc1 or a21

I have a pair of B&W nautilus 802. While I would like to buy the jc1 monoblocks they take up a ton of space. Question is, does the a21 sound as good as the jc1 (close is good - there is a reason the jc1 is 4 times as much) and will the a21 be able to drive the 802's.
I don't play the system particularly loud but want to get a broad and deep base response.
Maybe I should think about a tube amp.
Look forward to your input.
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thanks for the comparisons as i've been enjoying the a21 and don't come close to using all the power they deliver. I have demoed gear that made my system sound better and figured the price for the monoblocks had to be justified by better sound otherwise biamping would render the jc1 obsolete. Most speakers have binding posts for bi-amp/wiring these days. Cheers